Prepare for potential anger and frustration, manage words to avoid  conflict. Offer jaggery, wheat, lentils, and red clothing during &  after the eclipse.

Stay calm for positive outcomes and potential income increase. Gift  white items - curd, milk, sugar, white clothing, camphor, and kheer  during/after the eclipse as a unique remedy

Expect financial prosperity in the solar eclipse, finding contentment.  Prioritize well-being. Remedies: Offer green fodder to cows, donate  green moong dal, bronze utensils, green vegetables, and clothing

Expect increased religious interest but fluctuating self-confidence.  Counter with white items donation - pearls, white clothes, sugar, rice,  milk, or milk-based sweets.

Favorable opportunities for better luck and a potential family trip  ahead. Post-eclipse, donate jaggery, wheat, copper utensils, red/orange  clothing to dispel life's troubles.

Expect joy in marriage and a bright career path. Remedies: Donate green  moong dal, bronze utensils, feed cows green fodder, offer green  vegetables, and give green clothing and fruits.

Look forward to career growth, increased happiness, and societal  prosperity. Gain respect by donating white items: kheer, curd, sugar,  milk, white clothing, and camphor.

Post-eclipse, expect boosted self-confidence, aided by family support  for reaping rewards. Enhance it with donations of wheat, lentils,  jaggery, red clothing, and fruits.

Speech sweetens, but work challenges loom. Donate yellow items: fruits,  gram dal, clothing, gram flour, saffron, turmeric, and jaggery for  remedy.

Expect future happiness, real estate, or vehicle gains in the solar  eclipse. Donate Saturn-linked items: black umbrella, comb, black/blue  iron, mustard oil, sesame seeds, and iron utensils for best results.

Discover mental contentment, artistic passion, and prioritize health. To  counter planetary issues, offer iron utensils, clothing, and food to  the less fortunate.

Expect mental confusion, family support, and financial gain. Remedy:  Give bread to dogs, donate yellow fruits, clothing, gram dal, saffron,  gram flour, turmeric, and jaggery.